North Wapiti Siberian
Husky Kennels
March 19, 2001 She did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Karen arrived in Nome with 15 beautiful Siberian Huskies, riding her sled in style (not running, but riding).
As the final musher to successfully complete the 1000+ mile course to Nome in this year's race, Karen will receive the Red Lantern trophy. We have no close up pictures of her arrival yet, but I'm sure she was smiling from ear to ear (as the siberians might have been too to see Mark waiting for them). Hundreds of people spent most of the afternoon checking for her arrival on the Live Nome Webcam. With the way the camera was cycling, all that people got to see was the two lead dogs and then Karen's back. Stay tuned for stories from the trail... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Dogsled.com: "Iditarod:
Red Lantern I hope they're ready for the hits on their server... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From NorthernTerritories.com: "In
the early pioneering years of Alaska, dog teams were used to carry
freight and mail between the Anchorage, Seward and the interior. Along
the way, roadhouses were set up as rest stops and shelter. The mushers
made their way across the Alaska wilderness in all types of weather.
To help them, a kerosene lamp was hung outside each roadhouse as a
beacon. These lamps helped the mushers find the roadhouses, and served
as a notice that a musher was out somewhere on the trail. The lamp was
left to burn until the musher was safely at his intended destination. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~