Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm in L.O.V.E.

Greetings from Cheticamp, N.S.
We have been traveling through Cape Breton along the Cabot Trail today - and I think I've discovered where I want to retire!! INCREDIBLE scenery - the ocean, mountains, forests, beaches - quaint towns, fantastic food....
If it weren't for how far it is from any dog sled race - and how difficult it would be to move the dogs out here - I could happily stay.

Neil's Habour

Yes, I'm continuing to put lobsters out of their misery.

Pleasant Bay

We did see 4 moose today - all within about a 10 mile stretch of highway. I passed on taking any pictures of them - seemed alittle too 'common' for my world - but they were still fun to see.
Tonight we are staying in the neat town of Cheticamp. I think keeping your place clean and your lawn cut must be a law around here. I have never seen anywhere so tidy. There are also no fences at all between houses, making it seem open and inviting! Really quaint!!

I am going to try and post a few more pictures on the Picasa site before crashing into bed, so check it out if you are interested.

BTW -still no outgoing mail - and now no cell phone coverage (and no phone in the room), so we are still cut off from the world - except for the blog!!!



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