Well, back home from my California trip. Not quite caught up, but working on it.
I had a great time in both northern and southern California. It was almost like the two areas were competing with each other to show me the best time. The winner??? ME!!! I was treated wonderfully in both locations and would be hard pressed to say what I enjoyed the most about my trip. Special thanks do go out to Gail, Deb, Carlos, Jane C., Jane E., Cathy, Kecia, Zach, Laura, Sean, Robert, MaryLynn, Matt, Claire and the Three Dog Bakery in El Camino for the 'over the top' hospitality! Ya'll made me feel like royalty!!!
I didn't take many more pictures, but there are a couple at -
I also want to take a moment to steer folks to Three Dog Bakery - www.threedog.com Matt and Claire, who own the store in El Camino really went all out to make my presentation in southern California a special one - and I've got to say, they have one cool store. Though I thought the 'doggy facial kits' to be alittle over the edge, but they had some other truly unique and cool doggie gifts. Kara scored a beautiful new dog dish, the pups all got new toys - and even the cats got gifts. I tell ya, I have never seen the cats react to any treats like they did the "We Pity the Kitty" treats I picked up for them. They carry a DEFINATE WHISKERS UP from Bait and Tic.
Kara is still partial to her Denta Stix, but she has been supplementing her snacking with 'Jump and Sit' Three Dog Bakery treats and some other great items by Zukes. She is one happy Momma Dog.
I will confess that as much as I enjoyed my 'working vacation', I did miss everyone at home - especially those puppies and it was wonderful to get back and get a good dose of 'puppy breath'. Everyone has advanced alot in the 10 days I was gone.
Kim and Kelly are not really content in the back room anymore. At about 6 am, they begin pounding on the baby gate trying to break into the main part of the house. When the barrier is breached, they stomp around attacking anything at ankle height before crashing onto one of the dog beds for a nap.

There are some more pictures of the chubby kids at http://picasaweb.google.com/northwapiti/KimAndKellyJuly232008
Kara is, of course, the perfect Mom. Tolerant, gentle and very attentive to them. Sprite should take lessons. While the 'Energy Drinks' have their lovely family moments, Sprite sends her children crying into the corner if they dare stray to close to her food dish. She does the job she needs to, but really is more interested in trying to catch one of the cats.

Despite it all, they are a happy well adjusted group. Here they are visiting the house and checking out 'The Cloud'.

My niece, Corrine is visiting from Seattle. After coming up for the start of Iditarod last year, Corrine has some aspirations of running the Jr. Iditarod when she turns 14 in 3 years, so she is spending a few weeks helping out in the kennel this summer. One of the first tasks I gave her was to pick names for Sprite's babies (of course, within the theme of Energy Drinks).
She chose well. Meet




BooKoo (Boo)

Rockstar (Rocky)
You can see more pictures of them kicking around on the dog beds at http://picasaweb.google.com/northwapiti/TheEnergyDrinksJuly232008
Ah, Home Sweet Home!