Friday, January 16, 2009

Can you hear me screaming....

...........or maybe banging my head on a wall????

Yup, we safely arrived in Willow on Tuesday morning after a fairly harrowing drive. It stormed most of the way and sharing a small highway with fast moving semis in a storm is not a fun thing to do.
We were treated to a lot of wildlife sightings, which always makes the trip alittle more enjoyable - as long as they are off the road, not running onto it or into the truck. The score card of sightings for this drive included moose, elk, caribou, deer, buffalo, 2 wolves and a mystery critter that was probably a fox!

Anyway, we opted to spend one more night on the road this trip and stayed Monday night in Glennallen, which allowed us to arrive in Willow in the daylight, which always makes getting the dogs settled in easier.
It was snowing like crazy when we arrived and the dogs were excited and bounding around in snow banks getting settled in no time.

None of us could wait to get out running the next day!

The next morning I couldn't sleep and puttered around on Jamie's computer (we are having issues with the wireless internet in the house) waiting eagerly for the day to get underway. Then I happened to glance at the outdoor temperature display in the house. It read 34F. No way!!! I opened the door and my stomach hit the floor as I realized it was now raining out.

The only thing that has changed now is that the rain has been heavier and the temperatures warmer. It is actually 48F out right now.

The dogs are bored and annoyed at not being able to run. Running dogs is out of the question. It is too hot, the trails are soaked and being on them at all would just destroy any chance of there being anything left when this weather moves on.

I'm sick about it.

We were already behind on mileage on the dogs when we came up here due to the extreme cold at home in December. We absolutely need to be getting long runs on the dogs right now - but it is just impossible.

The Klondike 300 was supposed to run this weekend but it is on hold. I hear there is up to 8 inches of overflow on the Yentna River.

We'd 'chase' better conditions but that is expensive and besides, I think most everywhere in Alaska, the Yukon, northern BC and Alberta is like this right now.

I'm passed frustrated.

Oh and to top it off any snow left on the ground has turned into sheets of ice, so driving or walking anywhere is more then hazardous. Schools in Anchorage have been closed for the last 3 days due to the ice. The Anchorage buses haven't run in two days either.

This SUCKS!!



Blogger Khyra The Siberian Husky said...

Are you sure you didn't head to Merryland instead?

I mean, that is what Meeshka would howl about!


January 16, 2009 10:00 AM  
Blogger yukonmusher said...

that is too bad, I am really excited to see you in the quest 300this year. I hope all gets better for you over there.

January 16, 2009 1:40 PM  

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