A Walk in the Woods
I've been doing a fair amount of walking this spring - part of a commitment I made this winter to start taking better care of myself. Walking helps alot, both physically and mentally. Especially when I have such great company to join me.
Spring is always late coming down here in the valley. While leaves are already out up out of the valley, buds are still just forming down here. That's okay though, as it is interesting to watch the woods wake up - and there are signs that spring is coming!

For the last 3 days I've been mostly laid up with a nasty cold (yeah, that whole 'taking better care of myself is working out SO well), so walking hasn't been a priority (okay, I did stumble down the driveway in my pyjamas the other night at 9:30pm so Bet could blow off some energy - but that's been about it) but this morning I thought I was feeling a bit better so Kara, Bet and I headed out. Cricket usually joins us, but she was off in the woods on some important 'guardian dog' business.
Bet stretching her legs
Spring is always late coming down here in the valley. While leaves are already out up out of the valley, buds are still just forming down here. That's okay though, as it is interesting to watch the woods wake up - and there are signs that spring is coming!
As well as lots of signs of things that had to work hard to survive the cold, snowy winter we had.
And signs of some things that didn't survive...
We walked up the trail along the river bluff to my bench overlooking the big beaver pond. There I took some time to do some Tai Chi while Bet debated leaping over the cliff to chase ducks in the pond ....
and Kara took time to just hang out.
It was a very enjoyable walk. I can't wait to get completely over this annoying cold to get back out in the woods more!
So, um. Why would an animal drill a hole through a tree? And is the second one woodpeckers? I'm boggling.
I believe the hole to be done by a squirrel. A smaller hole inside this one goes up into the dead tree.
As for the other marks - no one in house can figure out what made those. Roger - are you out there reading??? Do you know???
Sounds like a fantastic way to enjoy a walk with some fantastic company.
Take care of yourself.
Cheers Chris
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